



Blue Sapphire

A blue-dominant precious stone is called a blue sapphire. Since ancient times, the monarchy has worn jewelry made from this attractive material. The Greek word "sappheiros", meaning blue, is the origin of the term sapphire. Although the blue sapphire is the most common color, there are also others, such as yellow, green, white and sometimes pink.

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire

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Since the Middle Ages, when European royal families began wearing jewelry, sapphire stones have been revered as a symbol of royalty and elegance. The popularity of sapphire has increased in recent years, as it has become more common in sales ofcolored stones calibrated.

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MINERAL Corundum
COLOR Clear - Deep Blue
REFRACTION INDEX 1.762 - 1.770
BIREFRINGENCE 0.008 - 0.010

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The most important factor in determining the value of a sapphire is its hue. While color is important, saturation is even more so, because the closer the blue is to purity, the better. The highest caliber sapphires have vibrant saturation. Another key factor is the tone. Dark sapphires are not rare enough to command high prices.

Although blue sapphire can be found in many places around the world, the best stones come from Kashmir and Sri Lanka. The modest size of these stones also contributes to their high price.

The blue sapphire is one of the most durable and rarest stones, making it ideal for jewelry that will be worn frequently. Following the popularity of Princess Diana's ring, the blue sapphire is an excellent option for engagement rings if you are looking for a truly unique and exceptional piece of jewelry.

Inclusions generally lead to a decrease in the price of sapphire in the gemstone industry. The price drops significantly if the inclusion compromises the stability of the gemstone. However, inclusions can sometimes increase the value of certain sapphires. The tiniest impurities give many of the most expensive Kashmir sapphires a velvety appearance. These imperfections help to maintain the clarity of the gemstone while producing the desired visual effects.

The price of astarry blue sapphire is determined by the carat weight of the stone. The price of the stone increases with its size. A medium star blue sapphire costs 300 dollars per carat. However, depending on the quality of the stone, the cost per carat can range from 100 to 500 dollars. Sapphires with a higher carat weight are more expensive because they are rarer.

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The sapphire is a type of corundum that typically has a blue color, sometimes with purple or green hues. The three components of color (hue, saturation, and brightness) are used by the industry to classify sapphire colors into the following categories.

  • The "royal blue", one of the highest grades for the hue of the sapphire, is a pure blue or a blue with a purplish tint that is part of the bright blue and deep blue of the sapphire. A bright blue or a deep blue can be classified as "royal blue" if certain conditions of brightness and saturation are met.
  • "Cornflower Blue" is a blue that is part of the Vivid Blue and Intense Blue families and has a purplish hue that gives it a distinct, fuzzy, and velvety texture. Its name comes from the blue of the German national flower, the cornflower.

When a gemstone has finely separated grains, brief needle-shaped inclusions, or growth lines, the dispersion of light through the gemstone produces this optical effect. It is in Kashmir, India, that cornflower blue sapphires were originally created. Like "royal blue", "coral blue" is not specific to an origin; any origin can produce a sapphire of this color.

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While sapphires are very common, high-quality gemstones are much more elusive and are found in far fewer places. Here are some of the most notable sources:

  • Sri Lanka is a historical source that continues to produce magnificent sapphires of different colors. The majority of Ceylon blue sapphires come from this country.
  • Kashmir: The stones of Kashmir are the gold standard for assessing blue sapphires. The historical sapphires of Kashmir that have been verified can reach significant prices. They have a velvety texture, purplish-blue hues that lean towards blue, a strong to vivid saturation, and moderately dark tones.
  • Australia: Although there are a few exceptional and rare cases, Australian sapphires are generally darker in color. Moreover, partially colored stones have been discovered, which are typically yellow and green or yellow and blue.
  • Myanmar: Formerly known as Burma, this country is the source of some of the most beautiful sapphires. The violet-blue color is very saturated and has medium to medium-dark tones.
  • Thailand: A major producer of blue sapphires and other colored stones. Even though some are very dichroic and display a dirty green in one direction, they often have a good hue and saturation. This indicates that the stone must be cut appropriately to avoid that.elle does not show through.
  • Montana: All colors of Montana sapphires are produced in this American state. Due to their grayish saturation, they are called "steely". The sapphires from Yogo Gulch are an exception as they contain some of the most beautiful colors in the world, although they are rarely larger than a carat.
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Although sapphires may have inclusions, they are generally clearer than rubies. Exceptionally clear blue sapphires are extremely rare and costly. Inclusions take various forms in sapphires. Elongated mineral inclusions are called needles. The term "silk" is used to describe needles that are groups of rutile minerals that intersect. In addition, crystals, fingerprint-shaped inclusions, color bands, and the range of colors are features of sapphire clarity.

In addition to their vibrant hue, blue sapphires often display asterism that resembles a star. This phenomenon is due to inclusions of rutile needles reflecting light and forming a six-rayed star. In terms of hardness, blue sapphires rank 9 on the Mohs scale. They are therefore perfectly suitable for jewelry as they are resistant to scratches.

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You should frequently clean your blue sapphire jewelry, whether you wear it often or only on rare occasions. Here are some cleaning instructions for blue sapphire rings and other jewelry that you can use at home:

  • Cleaning jewelry with soap and water is always a good idea. Simply place your jewelry in a bowl of warm water with a small amount of mild dish soap and let it soak for a few minutes. Rub off any dirt with a gentle motion and a soft brush. Rinse well, then dry by patting with a soft cloth.
  • If your blue sapphire jewelry is really dirty, you can prepare a paste made of baking soda and water. Use a soft cloth to gently apply the paste to the surface of the jewelry before rinsing and drying it thoroughly.